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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Real Risk of Cloning

Cloning may sound like it could save the world, but there is another side to it. Over 90% of attempts at cloning fail. Even if the cloning is successful, the living being is prone to more infection, tumor growth and other disorders. From Japanese studies, cloned mice were noticed to live in poor conditions and die much faster. Also, cloned animals are prone to dying mysteriously. An example would be that one of Australia's first cloned sheep was healthy the day she died. Her autopsy could not determine her cause of death.

What do you think about this? Cloning could help the world by helping cure diseases, but most cloning goes down the gutter. Do you think we should promote cloning to a higher level, or should we downgrade it for it being unethical and usually not successful?

Clicking on the link below will take you to the Human Genome Project Information site. Read the section that is labeled "What are the risks of cloning?" and make your own opinion on this and comment about what you think is right and wrong:


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